
托福準備 #34 | 教你有效突破托福聽力停滯期


不管怎麼作題, 托福聽力始終都沒有太大的起色,成績總是在25分以下徘徊,甚至沒有20分嗎?



底子打不好,很容易拖緩準備托福的腳步,心情上很容易產生厭倦和懈怠,以下就教大家如何有效突破 托福聽力 停滯期,教你有效準備托福考試















 1  單字量根本不夠


在準備托福考試之前,基本上就需要有一定的單字量,熟悉的基本單字至少要有5,000 字以上會比較好,不然就會連基本的內容都看不懂、聽不懂了,這樣又要如何進一步針對TOEFL托福考試來準備呢?





 2  聽不懂單字




















另外輕重音也很重要,因為 重音部分通常都是關鍵字所在 ,而且為了更接近Native Speaker母語使用者,這部分的學習也很重要,該重的時候重,該輕的時候輕,這樣說話才會有一種節奏感,而不是整個平鋪直敘死死板板的。



⚠ 注意:


最後一定要記得精讀作結,因為一開始的跟讀並沒有將聽力內容抄寫下來或學習筆記內容,也沒有針對聽力內容和問題做出解讀分析,這樣其實是很浪費TPO的, 所以精讀不僅是為了再次確實的熟悉單字之外,另外也是訓練抓關鍵字句。










■ 表示「轉折」或者「對比」關係的信號詞


 片語  as a matter of fact

 涵義  事實上;實際上

 例句   As a matter of fact, I’ve lived here for 3 years.



 片語  nevertheless

 涵義  不過,仍然;儘管如此

 例句  I knew a lot about the subject already, but her talk was interesting  nevertheless .



 片語  instead

 涵義  作為替代

 例句  There’s no coffee – would you like a cup of tea  instead ?



 片語  however

 涵義  然而,但是

 例句  This is one possible solution to the problem.  However , there are others.






■ 表示「列舉」、「增補」關係的信號詞


 片語  in addition to

 涵義  除…之外還

 例句   In addition to  his apartment in Manhattan, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.



 片語  as well as

 涵義  除…之外還;也;和

 例句  I want to visit Andrew  as well as  Martin.



 片語  furthermore

 涵義  此外;而且

 例句  The house is beautiful.  Furthermore , it’s in a great location.



 片語  such assuch as

 涵義  此外;而且

 例句  That money is to cover costs  such as  travel and accommodation.






■ 表示「解釋」或「強調」關係的信號詞


 片語  in particular

 涵義  特別,尤其

 例句  What  in particular  did you like about the last apartment that we saw?



 片語  namely

 涵義  也就是;換句話說;亦即

 例句  Actually, of one-time mobile phone and other one-time goods buy  namely  use namely different.






■ 表示「順序」關係的信號詞


 片語  First,  second

 涵義  第一點、第二點…



 片語  last but not least

 涵義  最後(一點)



 片語  afterward

 涵義  過後,以後,後來



 片語  first of all

 涵義  首先






■ 表示「歸納」、「結論性」關係


 片語  overall

 涵義  總的(來說);全面的(地);包括一切的(地)

 例句  The  overall  situation is good, despite a few minor problems.



 片語  on the whole

 涵義  總的來說;整體上講

 例句  We have our bad times but  on the whole  we’re fairly happy.



 片語  thus

 涵義  因此,從而

 例句  They planned to reduce staff and  thus  to cut costs.



 片語  in sum

 涵義  總而言之

 例句   In sum , we had the opportunity to dominate events.






■ 表示「因果」關係的信號詞


 片語  As a result

 涵義  因為…;由於…

 例句  Profits have declined  as a result  of the recent drop in sales.



 片語  therefore

 涵義  因此,因而,所以

 例句  We were unable to get funding and  therefore  had to abandon the project.



 片語  since

 涵義  因爲;既然

 例句   Since  we’ve got a few minutes to wait for the train, let’s have a cup of coffee.

















如果是note-taking速度不夠快,可以運用縮寫的方式減少抄寫時間,縮寫的方式只要你自己看得懂就好,可以使用圖示或單字短縮來表示內容或關聯性,像是  ↑ ↓ ← → = < > ≠ ∵ ∴ 或是單字短縮像 -ing 簡寫為 g 例如:marketing (市場行銷)MKTg 來表示等等。





■ 筆記內容:

  1. number 數字
  2. why 原因
  3. what will they do next 接下來會做什麼
  4. advice 建議
  5. what is true about
  6. feeling 感受




■ Tip 1

太過細節性的內容不一定要抄寫,原因是容易顧此失彼,也就是太過 focus 在微小細節,有時候難免分心反而沒有聽到更重要的內容,因為真正需要注意的重點是「main idea」、「example」和「reason」有直接相關的細節。




■ Tip 2 : 


縮寫舉例:↑ 或 + 表示increase、different 縮寫成 diff、∵ 表示 because 等等。




■ Tip 3





■ Tip 4








■ TPO 托福TOEFL聽力內容 (Conversation) 

Listen to a conversation between a student and a counselor at the University Counseling Center.

Student: Hi, thanks for seeing me in such short notice.

(short notice:臨時通知)


Counselor: No problem. How can I help?

Student: Well, I think I might have made a mistake coming to the school.

Counselor: What makes you say that?

Student: I’m a little overwhelmed by the size of this place. I come from a small town. There were only 75 of us in my high school graduating class. Everyone knew every one. We all grew up together.



Counselor: So it’s a bit of a culture shock for you? Being one of 15,000 students on a big campus in an unfamiliar city?


Student: That’s an understatement. I just can’t get comfortable in class or in the dorms.   You know, socially.


Counselor: Um, well, let’s start with the academics. Tell me about you classes.


Student: I’m taking mostly introductory courses and some are taught in these huge   lecture halls.


Counselor: And you are having trouble in keeping pace with the material?


Student: No, in fact I got an A on my first economics paper.   It’s just that, it’s so impersonal, I’m not used to it.

 學生關鍵問題:impersonal (沒有人情味、冷淡)  

Counselor: Are your classes impersonal?

Student: No, it’s just that, for example, in sociology yesterday, the professor asked a   question, so I raised my hand, several of us raised our hands. And I kept my hand up because I did the reading and knew the answer. But the professor just answered his own question and continued with the lecture.

 學生針對 impersonal 舉例 

Counselor: Well, in a big room it’s possible he didn’t notice you. Maybe he was starting to save time. In either case I wouldn’t take it personally.


Student: I suppose. But I just don’t know how to, you know, distinguish myself.

(distinguish myself:表現突出;使自己出類拔萃)

Counselor: Why not stop by his office during office hours?

(stop by:拜訪)

Student: That wouldn’t seem right. You know, taking time from other students who need help?

Counselor: Don’t say that. That’s what office hours are for. There is no reason you couldn’t pop in to say hi and to make yourself known. If you are learning a lot in class,   let the professor know. Wouldn’t you appreciate positive feedback if you were a professor?

(pop in:突然出現)


Student: You are right. That’s a good idea.

Counselor: OK, let’s turn to your social life. How’s it going in the dorms?

Student: I don’t have much in common with my roommate or anyone else I’ve met so far. Everyone’s into sports and I’m more artsy, you know, into music. I play the cello.


Counselor: Hah, have you been playing long?

Student: Since age ten. It’s a big part of my life. At home I was the youngest member of our community orchestra.

Counselor: You are not going to believe this. There is a string quartet on campus, all   students. And it so happened that the cellist graduated last year. They’ve been   searching high and low for a replacement, someone with experience. Would you be interested in auditioning?


Student: Absolutely. I wanted to get my academic work settled before pursuing my music here. But I think this would be a good thing for me. I guess if I really want to fit in here I should find people who love music as much as I do. Thank you.

Counselor: My pleasure.


突破 托福聽力 停滯期,教你有效準備托福






■ 問題演練:


Q1. What do the speaker mainly discuss?

A) Why the woman has little in common with her roommates
B) How the woman can keep up in her academic studies
C) The woman’s adjustment to life at the university
D) The woman’s decision to transfer to another university


Ans: C

Q2. Why does the woman mention her hometown?

A) To draw a contrast to her current situation
B) To acknowledge that she is accustomed to living in big cities
C) To indicate that she has known some people on campus for a long time
D) To emphasize her previous success in academic studies


Ans: A

Q3. What does the woman imply about incident that occurred in her sociology class?

A) She was embarrassed because she gave an incorrect answer
B) She was upset because the professor seemed to ignore her
C) She was confused by the organization of the professor’s lecture
D) She was surprised by the comments of the other students


Ans: B

Q4. According to the counselor, why should the woman visit her professor’s office?

A) To offer a compliment
B) To offer to help other students
C) To introduce herself
D) To suggest ways of making the class more personal


Ans: A, C

Q5. What does the woman imply about joining the string quartet?

A) It would enable her to continue a hobby she gave up when she was ten
B) It would allow her to spend more time in her major area of study
C) It would help her stop worrying about her academic studies
D) It world be a way to meet students with similar interests


Ans: D







